Monday, July 2, 2012

Recently finished Projects

The red button bird I finished last week but didn't have a wing.  Then I drew the wing and decided yesterday the wing needed to be solid so I add a paper wing and inked around the edges.  The purple button bird is like the red one just purple  :-)

Yesterday I decided to do a bird with quilled "button".  This time I used paper for the bird also.  I like it much better then the white bird.  I need to practice my quilled circles, well actually I am ging to do off center circles.  I am working on a pink bird with quilled off center circles today.

I think the quilled with the paper bird is my favorite so far.  I think I will do a paper bird with buttons but I need to find inexpensive buttons.  I can't believe how expensive buttons are these days.  I wish I had the "guts" to go to garage sales and look for buttons.  Old buttons would be really, really awesome. 

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